Corrine Murray

Recent Posts

Curb Events: A curb manager's best friend

Mar 22, 2022 5:09:23 PM / by Corrine Murray posted in Webinar series


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Preparing for innovation on city streets: Regulating new vehicles

Mar 15, 2022 12:24:51 PM / by Corrine Murray posted in Webinar series


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Making the most of Open Data Portal, Ride Report's public dashboard

Feb 3, 2022 12:06:35 PM / by Corrine Murray posted in Use cases, Public Dashboards



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Making the most of the Ride Report toolset: Siting parking corrals

Nov 22, 2021 5:10:31 PM / by Corrine Murray posted in Use cases



Ride Report’s software platform is used in over 80 cities worldwide, and each public agency seems to have their own unique way of using the tools. In an effort to help customers get the maximum value out of Ride Report’s toolset, we are writing a blog series on use cases that we have seen positively impact shared mobility programs.

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New to Ride Report: Trips ends and automatic date picker in Analyze

Aug 31, 2021 5:19:04 PM / by Corrine Murray posted in Product feature



This month, our updates include two functionality improvements to the Analyze tab: the addition of trip ends and a new interface for picking dates. Read on to learn more about why these matter.

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Stick the scooter landing: Turning haters into advocates

Apr 15, 2021 5:40:16 PM / by Corrine Murray posted in Cities


Photo by Christina Spinnen on Unsplash

Since the first Bird e-scooters hit the streets in Santa Monica in the fall of 2017, e-scooters and other forms of micromobility have thrived and cities have encountered lots of attention, both positive and negative, that comes with them. Ranging from complaints about sidewalk clutter to anecdotes about injuries for both scooter riders and other sidewalk users, there are plenty of points of contention for the media and individual residents to focus on. At Ride Report, we know that this type of attention is not welcome and oftentimes not representative of the larger program, so we recommend several strategies to manage and address negative public perception.


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What to consider in your next micromobility RFP

Feb 10, 2021 5:53:03 PM / by Corrine Murray posted in Cities


Photo by Okai Vehicles on Unsplash

Cities around the world are embracing micromobility as a sustainable and fun form of transportation. As e-scooter and bike-share programs emerge, many cities turn to official procurements to ensure they are able to work with the operators and third party providers that fit their unique needs. Writing a formal RFP can be time consuming, but a well-planned RFP will save you time and energy in the long run.

At Ride Report, we’ve helped many cities get their micromobility programs up and running successfully. Whether you’re new to micromobility or are looking for third party services to enhance your already existing program, here are some considerations when working on your next RFP.

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