Making the most of the Ride Report toolset: Siting parking corrals

Nov 22, 2021 5:10:31 PM / by Corrine Murray posted in Use cases



Ride Report’s software platform is used in over 80 cities worldwide, and each public agency seems to have their own unique way of using the tools. In an effort to help customers get the maximum value out of Ride Report’s toolset, we are writing a blog series on use cases that we have seen positively impact shared mobility programs.

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Your questions about new mobility answered: Part 2

Sep 10, 2021 3:16:06 PM / by Meghan Prichard


Photo by KBO Bike on Unsplash

Last week we shared Part 1 of our Q&A with Michal Nakashimada, Head of New Modes at Ride Report. Here’s Part 2.

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Your questions about new mobility answered: Part 1

Aug 31, 2021 8:00:28 PM / by Meghan Prichard


Photo by Okai Vehicles on Unsplash

Michal Nakashimada, Head of New Modes, is one of the leading voices in the emerging mobility space. In addition to his role ensuring that the Ride Report suite of tools works for many forms of mobility, he writes the Movements newsletter, a roundup of stories about the mobility industry, focusing on mobility software, cities, and infrastructure.

He recently shared his thoughts on the state of the mobility industry in 2021. He had so many valuable insights to share that we’re dividing this Q&A into two parts. Here’s Part 1.  

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The latest on transportation funding from the 2021 infrastructure bill

Aug 31, 2021 7:55:30 PM / by Becca Homa posted in Cities, Revenue


Photo by Ian Tuck on Unsplash

In May, we wrote about progress on the proposed American Jobs Plan that includes significant funding for transportation infrastructure. 

Now the bill, with the official title "Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act," has been repackaged as an economic plan and budget blueprint that covers social and physical infrastructure. It is getting closer to approval with the ambitious goal of passage by the end of September. Its size is astounding both on paper and in dollar value.

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New to Ride Report: Trips ends and automatic date picker in Analyze

Aug 31, 2021 5:19:04 PM / by Corrine Murray posted in Product feature



This month, our updates include two functionality improvements to the Analyze tab: the addition of trip ends and a new interface for picking dates. Read on to learn more about why these matter.

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Ride Report hits the $1M milestone for micromobility fees tracked

Jun 7, 2021 2:53:54 PM / by Brian Ellin posted in Cities, Revenue


Photo by Vince Jacob on Unsplash

Our mission at Ride Report is to help accelerate the transition to a sustainable and efficient transportation system, and city revenue generated from new mobility will be a critical part of that transition. When managed effectively, this revenue can be utilized to fund new infrastructure and pay for programs that increase mode-shift and deliver positive city outcomes.

Today, we’re excited to share that Ride Report has tracked over $1.2 million dollars in dynamic shared mobility usage revenue across our city customers worldwide. In addition to tracking city revenue, we also have tools to help cities invoice the operators for micromobility fees.

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Federal transportation infrastructure funds are coming

May 26, 2021 5:38:24 PM / by Michael Schwartz posted in Cities, Revenue


Photo by Aaron Doucett on Unsplash

I started my transportation career in the fall of 2008, as the economy was unravelling at the start of what would become the Great Recession. Obama was elected within a couple of months and in early 2009, Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), a $787B stimulus package that included significant funding ($48B) for transportation infrastructure. As with many packages of this nature, the focus was on projects that were “shovel-ready” and could spend the federal funds quickly on tangible projects.

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Stick the scooter landing: Turning haters into advocates

Apr 15, 2021 5:40:16 PM / by Corrine Murray posted in Cities


Photo by Christina Spinnen on Unsplash

Since the first Bird e-scooters hit the streets in Santa Monica in the fall of 2017, e-scooters and other forms of micromobility have thrived and cities have encountered lots of attention, both positive and negative, that comes with them. Ranging from complaints about sidewalk clutter to anecdotes about injuries for both scooter riders and other sidewalk users, there are plenty of points of contention for the media and individual residents to focus on. At Ride Report, we know that this type of attention is not welcome and oftentimes not representative of the larger program, so we recommend several strategies to manage and address negative public perception.


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The Ride Report distinction: micromobility data management made easy

Apr 2, 2021 3:44:53 PM / by Dana Bacharach


Ride Report dashboard. Image does not reflect real city data.

Ride Report Growth Manager, Dana Bacharach, spends her days talking to clients and prospects about Ride Report and what we do. Not only does Dana know our product and team inside and out, but she also has a unique understanding of why our clients love the Ride Report solutions. We asked her to share her insights on the Ride Report distinction.

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DRCOG: A new model for regional micromobility data collaboration

Mar 18, 2021 3:23:51 PM / by Meghan Prichard posted in Cities, Customer spotlight


When the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) and its members met in early 2019, they shared a common goal: to manage emerging micromobility programs in a coordinated and consistent manner throughout the region. When it came to shared micromobility data, rather than developing independent resources and tools for each agency, they sought a different solution — a coordinated and shared micromobility data management approach.

DRCOG has been using Ride Report for the last year to share information across jurisdictions and agencies, while better understanding shared micromobility in the region. We spoke with Transportation Technology Strategist, Emily Lindsey, at DRCOG to learn more about how these combined efforts are panning out.

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